ClaimCompass Affiliate Program: How Can You Promote Your Affiliate Link?

You’ve signed up to the ClaimCompass Affiliate Program and received your unique affiliate link. Now what? How do you get people to find and click on your link, so you can actually start making money?

Affiliate programs in travel have gained popularity over the years as a way of monetizing travel blogs. In fact, we were featured as an alternative or rather a supplement to the Booking affiliate program here.

In case you don't know where to start, we've put this starter guide so you can start promoting your link right now.

If you already have experience with an affiliate program, you might still find this guide useful, as we've highlighted some best practices curated from experts.

Of course, you’re free to promote your link however you see fit!

A blog is the perfect place to promote your affiliate link. Choose a topic related to flight compensations or air travel and insert your link in the body of the post. We can help if you need more info on the topic, or you can directly refer to our own blog.

"The key is to create content that will be valuable to your readers and place your affiliate link naturally within the body."

E.g. Write a post on “How to Get Compensated for Delayed Flights?” and include a section on how ClaimCompass can help passengers. Insert your link in the post.

Why it works

A blog is a great way to promote your link because the post will always live on your blog, without you needing to actively promote it 24/7.

It’s also a great piece of content that you can promote on social media on a regular basis.

Plus, if your readers find the post useful, they might share it with friends, who could end up clicking on your link too!

Pro tips:

  • Put some SEO effort into it and this post could help you create a passive income.
  • If you already have several posts on the topic, you can also edit them and add your link there: more opportunities for people to click on it! Just make sure that you only place it in relevant articles.

Add the link to your website

There are several ways to do that: we will detail 3 of them in this section.

The first option is to create a whole new page dedicated to flight compensation, with your link inside. This is a solution that works particularly well if you have a travel blog.

Another option is to add the link to your "Resources page". Several blogs indeed have a page gathering links to all the companies their trust and use. If you do, you could add your affiliate link there too. We can also provide you with a a couple of brand assets, if your page also includes images, like logos of the companies.

Alternatively, you can add the link in your website’s footer. This way, it will be there on every page that your users visit. Links placed there usually aren't the most clicked on, but it doesn't hurt to add your affiliate link there!

Why it works

The more places including the link, the higher the chances of people clicking through it. Not only that: by placing your link on a resources page among others companies you trust, your readers are more likely to trust the service we offer, submit a claim with ClaimCompass through your link, and earn you some cash.

Pro tips:

  • Use anchor text that clearly indicate what the link is about. E.g. “claim compensation for your disrupted flight” or “claim your flight compensation with ClaimCompass.
  • Add your link to one of the pages accessible from the top navigation bar on your website, as these usually get more clicks.

Share your affiliate link on social media

If you own a blog, you probably have social media accounts as well. Use them to promote your affiliate link. There are several ways to go about it too. Here are a few examples:

  • Facebook:
    Have you ever had a delayed or cancelled flight? You might be entitled to compensation from the airline! Know if you’re eligible in less than 3 minutes thanks to ClaimCompass: [your affiliate link]

  • Twitter:
    Get a compensation for your flight delay or cancellation: [your affiliate link]
    (with a few hashtags) #DelayedFlight #CancelledFlight #PassengerRights

Why it works

You probably know that people spend a lot of time on social media (me included...). And it's also a place where many air passengers complain about their disrupted flight: so why wouldn't it be the perfect place to promote your affiliate link?

However, keep in mind that people don't like to see the same message over and over again, so make sure to change the copy regularly. And, most importantly, do not promote your link every day, or several times a day: do it sporadically.

Pro tips:

  • If you have your own Facebook group, you might want to publish a post dedicated to flight compensation with your link there as well. Just keep in mind usually, self promotion is frowned upon in such groups, so make sure to present it as a useful link to help people get compensation for their flight troubles.
  • Did you know that you can schedule social media posts? Tools like Buffer allows you to do it for all your social media accounts at once, or you can do it manually from each platform. This way, you already have several posts promoting your link planned in advance.
  • If you have the budget for it, promote your posts so they reach a larger audience.

Include your link in a newsletter to your email list

Do you send a newsletter to your subscribers? If so, consider promoting your link via your newsletter. The bigger your list and the more engaged your subscribers are, the more effective this strategy is. As they say, "the money is in the list"!

There are several ways to do it.

  • Send a dedicated email

One way is to craft an email specially dedicated to flight compensations: include a brief summary of passenger rights (which we can provide if necessary) and a Call-to-Action with your affiliate link. Send it to all your subscribers at once.

Pro tip: A few days later, send a second email with the same content but a different headline, only to all your subscribers who didn’t open the first email.

  • Include the link in all your newsletters

If you are sending a daily/weekly/monthly newsletter, you might want to include your link into all of them as well. There are several ways to do this without bothering your subscribers.

One is to promote the link in the email signature: after your name, include a PS. For instance, “PS: in case in forgot, remember that you claim claim compensation for your delayed, cancelled, or overbooked flight: here’s a link to help you do just that”

You could also include the link in the footer of the email, just like on your website, with the mention: “Claim compensation for your disrupted flight”.

It’s perfectly possible to combine these two options, as you’ll see in the promotional plan below.

Step-by-step Promotional Plan

We've given you a few ideas, so you might be lost and not know where to begin. To help you get started, we drafted a suggestion for your promotional plan:

Day 1: Set up the passive revenue strategy

  • Write a blog post on getting compensated for delayed, cancelled and overbooked flights, with your affiliate link in it.
  • Add your affiliate link to your website: resources page, and/or dedicated new page, and/or footer
  • Add your affiliate link to the email signature of your newsletters and/or the footer of your emails

Day 2: Promote your new content

  • Share your blog post on social media
  • Share your blog post via your newsletter

Day 4:

  • Send a dedicated newsletter to your email list with a call-to-action button with your affiliate link
  • Share your affiliate link on social media

Day 6:

  • Re-send the newsletter, but ONLY to your subscribers who didn’t open the previous email, with a different headline
  • Schedule social media posts with your blog post and/or affiliate link (for 1 or 2 months ahead)

Of course, you should adapt these suggestions to your audience and communication channels! And I'm sure you have tons of other ideas yourself.

Before you leave,take a minute to look at these best practices from experts:

In general, you don’t want your link to look too obviously like an affiliate one. For example don’t do this: “This is an awesome website to get your compensation. Here is the link:”

When promoting your link on social media, use link shortener services like or Tiny URL to “hide” your affiliate link.

On your blog or website, use anchor text that is either neutral or illustrates what the link is about: “This is an awesome website to get your compensation. Here is the link” or "Claim compensation now".

… but be transparent with your audience

Just because you shouldn't make your affiliate link too obvious doesn't mean you should try and deceive your readers either.

When promoting your link in a blog post or newsletter, we recommend that you add a mention like the following at the bottom:

“Some of the links in this article might be affiliate links. We receive a commission if you end up using the services they link to, at no extra cost to you. This helps keep this website running.”

This will not prevent your audience from clicking on your link. On the contrary, they will appreciate the transparency and honesty.

Do not be too pushy

Bombarding your subscribers and followers every day with your affiliate link is unlikely to result in more people clicking on your link. It will only annoy them. Instead, we recommend that you only actively promote your link sporadically.

This is why creating a blog post and adding the link to your website and your email signature are such good options: these strategies are not intrusive but can still have a great impact and generate a passive income for you!

Keep an eye on the data

We will provide you with a dashboard that will give you an overview of how successful your promotional campaign is. Specifically, you will have insights on:

  • Impressions: how many times people saw your link
  • Total claims: how many people submitted a claim through your link
  • Claims in progress: how many of these claims are currently being processed
  • Successful claims: how many of these claims were successful

We’re open to new suggestions to make this starting guide even better and give you the means to succeed with the ClaimCompass Affiliate Program!

We're available to help you with your promotion campaign: if you have any questions, would like to do an interview or need technical support, contact Thomas at or Ivo at